Thursday, October 26, 2017

Should You Try NaNoWriMo if You're a Slow Writer?

I found this image here, and added the question.
Should you try NaNoWriMo if you're a slow writer?

Yes! (short answer)

(Long answer)

In case you don't know what Nation Novel Writing Month is, most people call it NaNoWriMo, it's a writing challenge where writers young, old, experience, and new from all over the world (not just the USA where the idea was formed) will dare to write 50,000 words in 30 days. 

If you want to sign up, you can click here to get to theNaNoWriMo's website or Google it.

Just so you know I'm not ready. I'm freaking out. I have decided on the names for my hero and heroine, Nathan and Lacey. I have one scene floating around in my head but it's not the opening scene. It's a meeting between the two love interests at a Ugly Christmas Sweater party.

Yes, I'm writing a Christmas romance this November, a different direction then my usual young adults novels that I have been trying to write for years.

If you feel like you can't write 50,000 words in 30 days I'll let you know something.  I have never "won" NaNoWriMo. According to the website I have been a member for 11 years. In that time I have never written 50,000 words by the deadline. 

So don't let that stop you from signing up for this amazing experience!

The most I wrote during that time was 26,002 words in 2015. I wrote 25,707 words last year. Both of these novels were different attempts on the same story idea. A story idea I did finish writing a 3rd rewrite last month.  I wrote the 2nd rewrite of that novel during Camp NaNaWriMo this past July.

I will write an 4th rewrite of that novel beginning December 1st.  I'm taking a break from this novel and starting something new for NaNoWriMo.

While I have never "won" the writing challenge, it has helped me write a complete novel and two very horrible can't be called novels...projects. Not sure I'll ever look at those again.  Those "novels" were not written in anyway called a fast manner. I'd write about 100-500 words a day through December-April. Will try my luck at Camp NaNoWriMo in April, but I usually didn't get anywhere near my 25,000 words goal. I'd continue to write the same novel for Camp NaNoWriMo in July. In August I'd see on Twitter the #PitchWars Mentors tweets and wish to the point of making myself sick, that I can enter but my novel was nowhere near readable.

I'm saying I'm a slow writer like you, but I enter NaNoWriMo every year. I love the support I find there. I love the writing advice/ pep talk I get every week, and love to look at the pep talk archive. My favorites are from Marissa Meyer, Maureen Johnson and Neil Gaiman to name a few. (Now, I want to go back and look at the archive again to find inspiration to get started)

I enjoy finding new writers on Twitter to write with during the writing sprints. Since it's all over the world there no telling who you'll connect with during this time. I have an amazing twitter group with people from all around the world I chat on twitter message with during this time. I think I've been part of the chat for two years. This would not have happened if I didn't sign up for NaNoWriMo.

Aslo you know how I said I wanted to enter an writing contest called #PitchWars over on twitter.  Well, I'm going to enter in August 2018, no matter what I'm entering. With the novel I wrote 25,707 words on last NaNoWriMo(2016.) I would not have this novel if it wasn't for NaNoWriMo.

I think you should go sign up. Leave your NaNoWriMo's ID in the comments when you do and I'll add you to my writing buddies. If you have twitter leave your twitter name and your need to join #TurtleWriters. It's the craziest group of writers I know on Twitter.

A little bit about my new NaNoWriMo project.

A short synopsis of my novel:

A single woman want to experience the magic of Christmas romance. She has a list of all things magical about Christmas. But she has two problems. One she's need a man and two she's lives in the South where it rarely snows, must less snow to have a sleigh ride before Christmas. A heartbroken man just want to make it through the season.

I really hope you join me!

I wish you happy writing, and a wonderful blessed day.


  1. I am Wobblypip on there. Good luck x

  2. I am Wobblypip on there. Good luck x

  3. I did NanaoWrimo for the first time this november through I thought that I would not be able to win. The community on Twitter was really great and I'm planning to join the camps next year.

    I'm now editing 90680 words which were written in November ;)


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